Clayton Millar
AOD Clinician

Shane Meyer
AOD Clinician

Tony French
Men's Leadership Facilitator

Erna Bornman
Residential Manager

Michelle Dendale
Consumer Liaison

Zhayne Candy-Doolan
NA Facilitator

Teresa Potts

Trisha Warin
Here at Clinic 77 we pride ourselves in providing you with a team of professionals who are highly trained, have a lot of lived experience, have big hearts and are passionate about heralding in a life where you’re thriving and living your best life. We will stand alongside you and do ‘life’ with you, when you take a hit, the whole team takes the hit, equally when you celebrate the wins, we will be right alongside you cheering you along. We
like to call ourselves your ‘Freedom Fighters’, on every level we will contend with you until you see the breakthroughs that are needed in order to move your life forward and to bring ‘the impossible’ into the here and now.
We’re a dual diagnosis service with a multidisciplinary team of highly trained and registered professionals in various areas of expertise and we’re successful in our own personal recovery journeys. Our team all have their own stories and they proudly embrace their journey which has led them to confidently know who they are today. They understand the power of their lived experience and the message they carry in their hearts to those struggling.
As a combined team, we’re accredited with the following lived experience doctorates, this ranges from:
Mental health struggles, such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, obsessive compulsive traits and symptoms
Anorexia and bulimia
Abuse and trauma
Detachment and dissociation
Loss and grief
Ambivalent, avoidant and disorganised attachments
Relationship power struggles, codependence, enmeshment and much more.
Collectively, our team has over a 100 years of accumulated wisdom and insights that formulates a powerful, invincible and successful recovery story. You can rest assured, when we say we all know how it feels to struggle, we really do get it. On the flip side of struggle we also know how to get you through to the other side where hope,
Our team of professionals undertake regular ongoing training and professional development so that the most up-to-date evidenced based research forms the basis of the treatment you receive. We employ many staff members in our outpatient and inpatient residential 24-hour operation. Included in this highly skilled, multi-disciplinary team, is an off-site psychiatrist, doctor, and nurse, and onsite we have a psychotherapist, AOD Clinicians, a doctor in divinity and identity studies, a consumer liaison, recovery peer support specialist, support workers, theological mentor and an education specialist.
As a health care provider all our clinical staff have the appropriate qualifications and clinical experience for the roles they undertake in the services we provide. We want to highlight that clinical training and personal recovery experience is an important part of our family ethos. We ensure that our team members remain up to date with new clinical research and developments in the field and we maintain weekly professional supervision and training. In accordance with their qualifications our clinicians are registered with the following professional bodies:
NZAC - New Zealand Association of Counsellors
NZAP - New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists
DAPAANZ - Drug & Alcohol Practitioners Association Aotearoa New Zealand
DAPAANZ Accredited Supervisor
We also have a number of community team members involved in maintaining our service and facility to a high standard of professionalism, these include:
Business mentors
Professional supervisors
Chartered accountants
Administration co-ordinators
Pastors and intercessory members
Catering team
Professional cleaners
Maintenance and gardening team
Our supervisors and mentors are located on our website in relation to transparency, accountability and to ensure the continued maintenance of a high level of care and support that adheres to best practice standards and ethics.